Effective participation in large national projects, procurement for the public sector or large Russian enterprises requires a high degree of localization of production and inclusion of products in the industry registers of the Russian Federation.

We offer our partners a full range of consulting services for localization project management, formation of the optimal product composition,
selection of partners in the territory of the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries,
support of production localization, implemented under Government Resolution No. 719 of July 17, 2015 «On confirmation of industrial production in the territory of the Russian Federation».


1. Marketing research

  • Market analysis
  • Study of corporate requirements for the localization
  • Analysis of the actions of potential competitors for localization

2. Analysis of the regulatory and legal framework and requirements for localization of specific products

  • Review of the national legislation and other legal, technical and certification requirements
  • Analysis of external risks associated with the expansion of government measures aimed at the development of import substitution
  • Analysis of the state support measures for domestic production
  • Conducting patent research

3. Project feasibility study for entering a new market

  • Production description
  • Product description
  • Market analysis. Main competitors, analysis of the competitive advantages of the enterprise
  • Calculation of planned sales and profit indicators

4. Business plan for the promotion of localized products

  • Product development strategy
  • Scenario for the production development on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • Marketing plan
  • Recommendations for expanding the sales market
  • Organization of a set of activities to promote products in the Russian market, including activities to increase brand awareness and loyalty of potential customers
  • Organizational plan
  • Selection of innovative technologies for implementation in production
  • Recommendations for conducting R&D and assessing the possibility of their state funding
  • Recommendations for using the existing package of government support measures

5. Development of an optimal scenario for the development of localization of production in the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • Analysis of the optimal composition of components (in terms of the requirements of legislation in the field of import substitution) in localized products
  • Selection of technology partners in the Russian Federation
  • Assessment of potential risks in the short and medium term
  • Legal support of negotiations with foreign partners

6. Ensuring the process of including products in the Russian registers of domestic producers

  • Analysis of the optimal composition of components (in terms of the requirements of legislation in the field of import substitution) in registered products
  • Preparation of documentation and support of the process of obtaining an examination certificate or certificate ST-1 of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
  • Preparation of documentation and support for the process of including products in the «Register of products manufactured in the Russian Federation.»

7. Comprehensive consulting support 24/7

Our team can provide expert advice, a full range of quality services and turnkey solutions for your needs in the localization of the Russian market and business development:
Determination of the optimal organizational and legal form of an enterprise for localization
Determination of the optimal production site and selection of potential technology partners for the development of joint localization projects
Review of tariff and customs regulation of the import of components for the production of products in the Russian Federation
Methods: incentives and constraints
Assessment of political and financial risks
Comprehensive assessment and placement of SEZs: a review of tools, benefits and analysis of applicability (including special economic zones)
Development of the best localization scenarios and recommendations, taking into account the specifics of the industry and product
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